Saturday 31 August 2013

Product Mix

Product mix

 A product mix is the set of all products and items a particular seller offers for sale, a mix of products is offered to cater to different segments.A product mix has certain divisions like width, depth, length and consistency.Width of a product mix is the number of different product lines the company has.Length of a product mix is the total number of items in the mix.Depth of the product mix is the number of variants offered by each product in the line.Consistency of the product mix is how closely related the various product lines are in the end use.

Product Mix of Parle Frooti:

Parle defined its product category as the need satisfying category which quenches the thirst and is fun to drink.The product form was the fruit juice with competitors in the juice category like Tropicana, Jumpin and soft drinks like Pepsi, Coca-Cola and others.
Frooti is one of the product lines of Parle. Frooti is available in 65ml and 200ml Tetra Pack, 250ml, 500ml, 1ltr, 1.5ltr PET and 200ml, 2ltr PET in selective markets.These show the depth of Frooti in the product mix.
Appy Classic another variant of Parle is available in 200ml Tetra Pack. Appy Fizz is available in 300ml, 500ml,1lt Tetra Pack.


Saturday 24 August 2013

Product Life Cycle

Product life cycle of Parle Frooti

Every product has a life span, which is divided into four stages. The product lifecycle describes the sales pattern of a product over the time.The four stages are Introduction, Growth, Maturity, Decline.

Product lifecycle of parle frooti:

1)Introduction stage- Frooti was launched in 1985, and it has been two decades but still it holds the dominant position in the market. Frooti intantly caught the fancy of Indian consumer with its tetrapack and some smart campaigns. Initially the drink was positioned as a kids drink.Being a fruit drink frooti was considered to be healthy so within short span of time the brand was an alternative to the unhealthy colas. Tetrapack extended its shellife which was the biggest advantage.And very soon it became the market leader.

2)Growth stage-Frooti was positioned as a mango drink that is "fresh n juicy", for over 7 years the company promoted the product using the famous tagline. The product created excitement in the market through a series of new variants and  packaging. Lured by the success of frooti, there was a lot of new launches in the market. Players like Godrej with Jumpin , Kissan etc tried their luck but failed to dislodge frooti.

3)Maturity stage-In late 90's it reached its maturity stage, the brand was facing stagnation in salses. The company tried to excite the market with an orange and pineapple variant but both failed. So then came the experiment with packaging. The YO! frooti variant came with a slim paper can aimed at the college going youth. Worried by the stagnant sales, parle tried to reposition the brand to appeal to the youth aged between 16-21 years old.

4)Decline stage- Frooti still hasn't reached its declining stage, although frooti enjoys a commanding market share i.e. 75%-85% ,it is still facing stagnation, Frooti may have to reposition itself again to appeal to cola drinkers. 

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Customer Buying Decision

Customer buying decision process of Parle Frooti

The buying decision process has five stages:
1)Need recognition- a customer's need before purchasing frooti would be to satify their thirst or taste.A need is triggered by an external or internal stimuli, becomes a drive, which inspires thoughts about the posibility of making purchase.
2)Information Search- through TV commercials, online blogging and reading materials helps a customer to know about the products offerings.Frooti ads has always been about mango lovers.Mango lovers have always identified frooti with mangoes.
3)Evaluation of alternatives- a costumer before buying the product evaluates all the other options available in the market.Like frooti has a tough competition with tropicana, real, tang etc which are available health drinks in the beverage market segment.
4)Purchase decision- it depends upon the brand value and customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.Frooti's past and present positioning has made it a very stong brand and has become a market leader.
5)Post purchase behaviour- more quickly buyers consume a product the sooner they may be back in the market to repurchase it.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Market Structure and Competition

Market structure and Competition of Parle Frooti

The Rs1500 crore brand, frooti is ready to move to its next phase of growth giving tough competition to its competitors like Coca Cola's Mazza and PepsiCo's Slice on the one hand and carbonated beverages on the other.It has 85% market share making it the leader.Frooti is a nector drink not a fruit juice so it faced a reallie tough competition from Tropicana and Dabur's Real fruit juice which are 100% fruit juices.So, it was lagging behnd in terms of health drinks. Frooti is enhancing its distribution base by almost 30 to 40 percent by reaching out to the new segments as Hotels, Restaurants,Catering and also doubling the number of franchises appointed factories.It invested Rs 40 crores to ride on IPL this season to stand out among others like Mazza and Slice.It has also started its first celebrity endorsement which includes Shah Rukh Khan with the tagline of "why grow up " which has created a lot of buzz in the market ant this campaign has positioned frooti as drink not only for kids and youths but also for people of all age groups.

Monday 12 August 2013

Customer Value


Customer value means loyalty of a customer towards a product and commitment to rebuy the product.Customer value can be created by making a customer satisfied with products,services and quality.It is what a customer perceives about a product.

Customer value of frooti..

Frooti has been a trendsetter all through its 25 years of existence. From being the first in a tetrapacks, to being in the PET bottle, frooti has innovated all along the way. Frooti as a brand has always tried to evolve with its evolving consumers to be relevent to them at all times. This is what really made frooti one of the most trusted brands and most prefered mango drink in India.Frooti commercials oozed fun and exuberence.Past positioning of frooti came in as a really contemporary and youthful mango drink.In the second decade there came a need for new positioning, this was to change the perception that its not just a drink for kids and wanted to make it more relevant to the youth.The new ads were more about situations and showcasing how consumers connect with the frooti.

Saturday 10 August 2013

Parle Frooti

Marketing of Parle Frooti

Marketing is a way of helping people buy a product or service, in other terms it is the process of building relationships with the the prospects and customers so as to create profits and promote products and services.

In 1985 Parle-Agro entered the fruit beverage segment of Indian market. It partnered with Dacunha Communications to give birth to frooti. Frooti is the largest selling mango drink in India. As soon as it entered in the market it acquired a large market share in the beverage segment. And even after two decades it still holds the largest market share.A few things which played a major role behind its success were its tetrapack packaging which made it very convinient to be carried easily anywhere.It's tagline "mango fruity fresh n juicy" helped it strengthen its brand and its position as the market leader, its ad campaigns were very catchy.And ofcourse they never compromised with its taste,a boon for mango made mango available all round the year.